
How To Ask Someone To Guest Blog

10 Guest Post Email Request Tips to get you accepted

Guest posting is one of the well-known means today for creative writers and researchers to share their knowledge, make money online or to increase their reputation.

Today, we have companies that take guest posting very seriously by offering their resources to other blogs/websites as guest posts. Guest posting is one great way for new bloggers or people who are trying themselves in writing to test and improve their skills. Moreover, there are several other benefits guest posting offers such as personal relation with other businesses, increase website traffic, improve your website SEO ranking, et cetera.

Most great blog out there will be glad to have your post published on their platform. Besides, most of them are ready to pay you considerable money for that.

But, there is usually a big issue to convince websites owners to accept your request. This happens because most of the time, people do it the wrong way.

As an admin at phpocean, I have had the opportunity to read, approve, reject, and ignore several guest posts requests. In that, I would like to share with you the following tips. If you follow this tips, it will increase your chances to get accepted not only by us but also by many other blogs/sites.

1- Read the site's guidelines

Any website that accepts guest posting would give you a little guideline on the process. You should always read that guideline and follow it as possible as you can.

2- Email to the right email address

Do not force the door. Every website accepting guest posts would provide you with a specific place to email your draft. If you fail to send to that exact email, it's like throwing your keys in the sea. In our case, many people use to email to our advertising email, expecting an attention. The issue is that people who will read you on these email addresses are not in charge of the edition. They will systematically consider your message as a spam.

3- Stop using templates

There are many people like you trying to reach out to that same website you get in touch with. There is a high probability that most of them will use the same template of the message, making all your efforts obsolete. There is nothing more boring than reading a template. It gives the feeling that the author did not put in any effort. Even if you need to follow a way of doing things, you need to get your own way of saying things.

4- The goal, the goal, and the goal

Don't preach much. Go straight to the point. Why are you getting in touch? Do not waste time talking about the benefits of the post you will write. Those sites already know what your content can be used for. They already have a business model for your post. Do not also take all your time to praise yourself. Your work should talk by itself.

5- Be short

Do not write paragraphs to ask if people can accept your guest post. You can write a lot if you are already attaching a pitch, a summary or a draft of your article.

6- Talk about the content to write

Focus your message on the topic(s) you want to write about. Websites are waiting for content. They need it. Hence, talk to them about things that are related to what you have to offer.

7- Write a content for a specific website/blog

Do not write some articles, or headlines and suggest that. Your request must be real. You must prepare the post/article for the specific website you are applying for. Learn to know their niche, their writing style, philosophy, and some of their authors.

8- Do you want to be paid or it's for free

Be specific of the type of article you want to write. Do you want to be paid, or you are offering your service for free. While this might sound strange, it's fact and a source of confusion. By making it clear, you reduce one email in which you would ask how much the site will pay you. Or, the site writing to you to ask you how much you would like to be paid.

9- Write quality content

Content is king. This mantra will never change in this field. So, in case you are adding a pitch or a draft, make sure it announces a great content.

10- Know the website/blog well

The people to read your email work in a business that has its philosophy and spirit. There is a common way of seeing things over there. Try to figure out what that's.

A practical example

Here is an example of email we receive:

          Hello,  Hope you are doing Great!   My name is XX YY and I' am Marketing Manager in web development & Digital Marketing Firm. I've been following your blog for quite some time now, and I love your content and the topics you share with your readers on ( Such a great blog and I do appreciate your insights and thoughts.  I noticed that you have a few opportunities for guest posting. I'm interested in contributing content to your blog.  The Articles which I will be providing you will be 100% Unique, Copy Scape Protected.  Please let me know if you are interested in this. We will discuss topics and charges.  Thank you so much and hope to hear from you soon.  Let me know what your views.        

What's wrong with it?

Hello, Hope you are doing Great!

Well, it's not wrong to greet. I accept it and emphasize that it's important to greet.

This paragraph:

My name is XX YY and I' am Marketing Manager in web development & Digital Marketing Firm. I've been following your blog for quite some time now, and I love your content and the topics you share with your readers on ( Such a great blog and I do appreciate your insights and thoughts.

Doesn't look real. Who you are and what you do is not relevant. Editors will certainly ask of all those things at the right moment.

The sender mentioned that he/she works for a marketing firm. If you think that could impress the editors, it would be best you link to that firm's website or something similar.

He/she adds that they have a love for our website and has been following it for quite a while. Imagine you watch a movie you loved a lot. At the same time, you meet a friend who also watched the same movie and loved it as well. You wouldn't tell your fellow that you loved the movie. You will comment on some aspects of that movie. I expect you to do the same with websites. Talk of something you read and that touched you for real. Point to articles, topics, or forum talks. Plus, there is a bracket containing 'phpocean'. This shows that it's a template you are using. You send that same message to every website. All you do is to replace the site with the next one.

Then the last sentence praises us. It's sweet to hear, but that cannot convince us. Only content can convince editors. Give it to them.

Next, we have this:

I noticed that you have a few opportunities for guest posting. I'm interested in contributing content to your blog.

This is what I want to see. He/she noticed we accept guest posts. It's true because we have that on our website. He/she is interested in contributing. Perfect! we are looking for contributors.

Then, we have this:

The Articles which I will be providing you will be 100% Unique, Copy Scape Protected. Please let me know if you are interested in this. We will discuss topics and charges.

The goodness, uniqueness, and the copyrights on the content you submit will always be checked by the editorial team of any serious website. By saying this, it's like you underestimate those to read you. This is not relevant.

And the ending is cool.

Here is what I would have expected from this sender:

Hello, phpocean/editors

I noticed that you have a few opportunities for guest posting. I'm interested in contributing content to your blog.

Thank you so much and hope to hear from you soon.

With such email, I will definitely reply you. And in my reply, I will direct you to our authors' guide to help you with your next step.

Here is two good examples

          Hey there!  Hope you are well. Just wanted to reach out and email you to ask if you're currently taking guest posts on  Please get back to me if this is of any interest to you. Thanks for taking the time to read my email.  Kind regards,  John Doe(not real name)  ----------  Hi there,   My name is John Doe; I wanted to discuss the possibility of submitting a post to your site     I was hoping that I could send you an article based on a topic you approve, and you could let me know if it's a good fit.   I look forward to hearing from you soon!  Many thanks,   John Doe(not real name)        

This is natural, simple and clear.

Well, I hope this post guides you the next time you request for a guest post on a blog. Keep it simple and natural. If you want things to go faster, include a draft or a pitch to your email. For that, most websites even offer you a guided process to send your request to them. Two examples are the Huffington and SitePoint

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How To Ask Someone To Guest Blog


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