
How To Start A Blog In 2020

How to Start a Blog That Makes Money

Money Making Online is non a rocket engine Science. If you are looking a side hustle and also want your free time to be productive than read here for incomparable practices to head start and earn from your blog

How to Start a blog that makes money

Hear to name Money Online without any technical Skill

How to Start a blog that makes money | This Article is for those who give birth nary knowledge related to web designing, HTML, css by making a site better than those having technical skills victimisation wordpress.

How to Start a Blog That Makes Money

Introduction to Blogging

Blogging is a general terms that is used for all types of websites that you come up when you search something on Google.

Buying a field and seeing up hosting and post some capacity is something that every stemma sees. Only its far more complicated than that. An entire profession is based on the term blogging – and if its a profession, it sure is bound to yield money.
Just there is a fun fact:

Every one can become a blogger, if he has background concepts.

Present We will provide you these pre-requisites that will help you to setup a professional web log which wish also prove you with passive income.


This article is only for Beginners and professional bloggers mightiness non concur with all the points mentioned here as it includes different tips and tricks that helps in blogging but are not recommended by professed bloggers.

1: Find a Corner That Suits Your Requirement.

For Those of you who are non  Well-known with the concept of Ecological niche — It is the nature of a competitive marketplace. In pandemic terms it is characterized as the subject or the main root of the entire web log that you are about to offse.

According to The Parvenue York Times – Here are few of the top niches listed by them.

  1. Health &ere; Fitness
  2. Personal Finance
  3. Fashion
  4. Life Style
  5. Lin and Merchandising
  6. Technology and Gambling
  7. Travelling
  8. Entertainment

These are general categories in which you can establish your blog. You can explore any of the branch of your interest and  part with to coiffe a through research just about what the people in your domain / Your targeted audience might the like to research on the web.

Don't worry if you are not an expert in any of the elevation niches you can prefer your own and it volition cost searches as there are about 2 Billion mass present actively on the WWW.

Best Niche For You

To find what suits you the incomparable you need to know two important things.

1. What Are Your Interests:

American Samoa the statement is clear, follow through the list of things that you are interested in. Information technology could be connate to your personal talents, you knowledge or skill, your career or education or simply just your Falco subbuteo Beaver State worry.

According to your personal sake indite behind topics from each category and make at least 10-15 topics correlate your personal interests.

2. What are others interested in:

As already explained above the best niches from where you can choose yours. Similarly, every region and language have different preferences and they can be different form the above mentioned.

Make a list are available searches that you ascertain online connate the topics that you have written. Search each site carefully and pick out two or three near sympathetic topics. Attention deficit disorder them to any Online Tools to cheek weather they are being searched in your region and globally.

Settle at same that satisfy both your concern and others.

  • Google's Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends
  • And whitethorn other paid and not paid tools.

2: Buy a Suitable Sphere name

Determination a suitable domain name helps you show up along the internet. To simplify, it is what you will be called by google when someone is trying to explore something related to you. In General the first step for SEO is a searchable domain epithet. A carefully chosen domain make avail to drive traffic towards your website and vice versa if your haven't well thought out a proper gens.

Google have set some of the rules themselves you can also study them.

The Main and Import points to see as a tyro are:

  1. Length of the domain key out
  2. Keyword Based Name
  3. Locomote On the far side .com

Length of Domain Name

A perfect name is the a one word world. But since the internet have been around for quite some time and all the competitive markets have been adopted individualist name calling so you can make to key between two to three words.

In general a short name is easy to remember so People will not forget your domain name. The second thing is most of the keywords search are in single news of 2 to three words and then a name exactly co-ordinated the search terminus is more likely to be enlisted in search result. Try to use as easy speech every bit possible.

Keyword supported describ

There are numerous catchy word related to your business and niche but, they might not be searched Eastern Samoa often as you might be cerebration so always cheek the keywords earlier considering a name. (Different tools have already been highlighted above). Use the tools to list down some of the world-class and top searched words and key phrases and bring i a name using those keywords.

Always avoid any punctuation mark in your domain name as information technology changes the meaning of the key phrase.

For Illustration: — & —

In theory both are same when you read them but when these language are being searched on the internet they may not give the very meaning as attached.

Move Beyond .com

Its considered that a site have .com domain is the best. This statement is simply for people's perception. It does not paly any role is seek results and ranking arsenic tenacious as the SEO is cooked properly.

Now a years you can file out domain concomitant your commercial enterprise and niche, Like.

  • .edu
  • .health
  • .bolg
  • .photography

Thus, don't hesitate to opt anything related to your niche operating theater domain name. Information technology will not only looks good only IT bequeath also help to rank and file early in that category of domains.

Things to Keep off While selecting your domain name:

  • As already indicated avoid punctuation mark marks.
  • Avoid misspelling and use of fancy terms wish "xtreme". The word is tricky but non suited for domain identify
  • Trade name Name Beaver State Earmark of other companies. IT bathroom leads to legal actions.

  • Google Domain Search
  • Namecheap Domain
  • Godady Land Search
  • All major hosting site have their own world searches.

3: Prefer Good Hosting Service

Finding a desirable domain name helps you show up along the cyberspace. To simplify, it is what you will be called past google when someone is trying to search something related to you. In General the first step for SEO is a searchable domain nominate. A carefully selected land name help to drive traffic towards your website and vice versa if your harbour't considered a proper noun.

Google have set some of the rules themselves you toilet too study them.

The Main and Import points to consider as a founder are:

  1. Duration of the domain name
  2. Keyword Based Name
  3. Move On the far side .com

Length of Domain Name

A perfect name is the a one password domain. But since the internet have been around for quite a some time and all the rivalrous markets take up been adopted single names so you can make to name betwixt two to three dustup.

In common a short name is easy to remember soh People wish non forget your world name. The second thing is most of the keywords search are in single word of deuce to three words so a name exactly matching the lookup term is more likely to be enlisted in search result. Try to use as easy words as possible.

Keyword based distinguish

At that place are many catchy Christian Bible related to your business and niche but, they might not be searched as often Eastern Samoa you might be thinking thus e'er buttock the keywords before considering a key out. (Antithetical tools have already been highlighted above). Use the tools to list out some of the best and top searched language and key phrases and shuffling a name victimization those keywords.

E'er avoid any punctuation mark check in your domain name as IT changes the significance of the key musical phrase.

For Example: — & —

In hypothesis both are indistinguishable when you read them merely when these words are being searched on the internet they may non make the Saame meaning Eastern Samoa intended.

Run Beyond .com

Its considered that a website have .com land is the optimum. This statement is only for people's perception. IT does not paly whatsoever role is seek results and ranking as long as the SEO is done properly.

Now a days you can file field related to your business and corner, Like.

  • .edu
  • .health
  • .bolg
  • .picture taking

So, don't pause to take anything related to your niche or realm name. It will non sole looks good but IT will also help to rank early therein category of domains.

Things to Avoid While selecting your domain name:

  • As already indicated avoid punctuation marks.
  • Quash misspelling and usance of fancy price same "xtreme". The word is catchy but not suited for domain make
  • Brand Name OR Hallmark of some other companies. It can leads to legal actions.

  • Google Domain Search
  • Namecheap Domain
  • Godady Land Seek
  • All major hosting site have their own domain searches.

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How To Start A Blog In 2020


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