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Google launched Google Now just over five years ago as function of Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. It has evolved over the years to be smarter and more useful, merely Google's energies are now focused elsewhere. After the flop of Google Now on Tap, the company pulled back on the "Google Now" branding. Today, Google At present is officially being relaunched as the Google feed. Information technology looks the same on the surface, simply there are a few important tweaks.

The feed is accessible in the Google app on Android and iOS. Information technology'south also bachelor on the far left home screen console for Android users on the Pixel Launcher, Google Now Launcher, or a few other stock launcher implementations. The Google At present branding disappeared late last year, which is when Google started referring to this screen as the feed. It never actually emphasized the modify, though. Every bit a issue, everyone still calls this Google At present.

With Google Now, most of the cards were based on your data from Gmail and search. Now, the feed will be based mostly on news that Google thinks you'll be interested in. Google volition likewise list related stories for controversial items, making it easier to fact check. News cards are still going to be based on your account data, but Google is as well throwing in some trending and local items. The items that pop up in your feed will still be based on your interests. Should you lot get something you lot don't want in the feed, you can tell Google that and information technology'll adjust the algorithm.

You can also tell Google about specific things you want to follow in your feed. Yous tin do this in the settings, but also from search results. Await for a Follow button that appears when performing certain searches. Tap that, and you'll begin getting relevant news in your feed. The cards in your feed have search terms attached besides. That makes it easier to know how they're connected to your subscriptions and interests. Tapping on the search term at the top drops you right into a Google search so you can find more than information.

It's unclear right at present if the new feed will contain any of the smart features from Google Now that were based on account information. For case, the bill of fare that tells you when you lot demand to leave for an date or automatic package tracking from your emails. It would exist a shame to lose those features, but Google'south machine learning interests accept clearly shifted elsewhere.

The new feed is rolling out today in the US on Android and iOS. It will launch internationally in the coming weeks.

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