
480 000 In Scientific Notation

Scientific Note Converter

Calculator Use

Catechumen a number to and from scientific annotation, e notation, engineering notation, standard form, and real numbers. Enter a number or a decimal number or scientific notation and the calculator converts to scientific annotation, e notation, engineering notation, standard form and word form formats.

To enter a number in scientific notation apply a carat ^ to indicate the powers of 10. Y'all tin can also enter numbers in e notation. Examples: 3.45 x ten^5 or iii.45e5.

Gild of magnitude volition also be identified for the calculated standard form. The guild of magnitude when written in standard grade, is the nth ability of 10. For example, iii.4 x 10^v has an order of magnitude of 5 since x is raised to the fifth ability.

How to Catechumen a Number to Scientific Notation

The proper format for scientific notation is a x 10^b where a is a number or decimal number such that the absolute value of a is greater than or equal to one and less than x or, ane ≤ |a| < 10. b is the power of 10 required so that the scientific notation is mathematically equivalent to the original number.

  1. Move the decimal signal in your number until there is only one not-zero digit to the left of the decimal signal. The resulting decimal number is a.
  2. Count how many places you moved the decimal signal. This number is b.
  3. If you moved the decimal to the left b is positive.
    If you moved the decimal to the right b is negative.
    If yous did not need to movement the decimal b = 0.
  4. Write your scientific notation number as a x x^b and read it equally "a times 10 to the power of b."
  5. Remove abaft 0'southward only if they were originally to the left of the decimal signal.

Example: Convert 357,096 to Scientific Note

  • Move the decimal 5 places to the left to go 3.57096
  • a = three.57096
  • Nosotros moved the decimal to the left so b is positive
  • b = v
  • The number 357,096 converted to scientific notation is 3.57096 10 10^five

Case: Convert 0.005600 to Scientific Notation

  • Move the decimal 3 places to the right and remove leading zeros to become 5.600
  • a = 5.600
  • We moved the decimal to the right so b is negative
  • b = -three
  • The number 0.005600 converted to scientific notation is v.600 x 10^-three
  • Annotation that we do not remove the abaft 0'south because they were originally to the right of the decimal and are therefore meaning figures.

E notation is basically the same as scientific note except that the letter e is substituted for "x 10^".

Notation Equivalents


three.57096 x 10^5


3.57096 x 10^5


1.247 x 10^ii


1.247 10 10^2


5.600 x 10^-3


5.600 x x^-3


9.viii x 10^-4


ix.8 x 10^-4

Convert Scientific Annotation to a Existent Number

Multiply the decimal number by 10 raised to the power indicated.

3.456 x 10^4 = 3.456 ten 10,000 = 34560

3.456 ten x^-4 = 3.456 x .0001 = 0.0003456

Additional Resources

Come across the Scientific Note Calculator to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers in scientific notation or Eastward annotation.

To circular significant figures use the Meaning Figures Computer.

To see how standard form is similar to scientific notation visit Standard Class Calculator.

If you demand a scientific calculator see our resources on scientific calculators.

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