
How To Say Will You Be My Girlfriend In Spanish

i love you in spanish

12 Ways to Say "I Dear You lot" in Spanish for Every State of affairs

In Spanish, at that place are many ways to say "I love yous."

In fact, there are several terms of endearment that tin be used to limited affection, but which you use depends on the situation and how shut you are to someone.

Let's look at the options for expressing love in Spanish!


  • How to Say "I Love You" in Spanish
  • Te Quiero or Te Amo?
  • Add together More Emphasis to "I Honey You" in Spanish
  • 10 More Means to Say "I Beloved You" in Spanish
    • Te amo más hoy que ayer pero menos que mañana. (I beloved you more than today than yesterday but less than tomorrow.)
    • Eres mi media naranja. (Yous are my one-half orange.)
    • Te quiero tanto. (I love you lot so.)
    • Te adoro. (I admire you.)
    • Te necesito. (I demand you lot.)
    • Me vuelves loco. (You drive me crazy.)
    • Eres mi alma gemela. (You are my soul mate.)
    • Mi corazón late por ti. (My heart beats for you.)
    • Este corazón es tuyo. (This middle is yours.)
    • La vida estaría vacía sin ti. (Life would be empty without you.)

How to Say "I Love You" in Spanish

At that place are basically 2 ways to say "I love you" in Spanish.

Te quiero (this literally translates equally "I desire you" but it's used to say "I dear you.")

Te amo

With only ii means to say this phrase, the selection should be simple, right?

Yous'd think and so—but it's non as easy equally you'd imagine.

Te Quiero or Te Amo?

The about important thing to remember is that these terms are not interchangeable. That is, they're not suitable for everyone on your love listing!

And although there are only two principal ways to say "I love you," in that location are many other means to limited your love. Which expression should you use?

In Spanish speaking culture, the degree of familiarity or amore determines how you limited dear.

Allow's cover when to employ each expression:

  • Te quiero is used among family unit members and friends. Information technology'south the less "serious" expression that's also rubber to say when you're just dating someone. It's perfect for uncommitted relationships!
  • Te quiero  is also used between lovers sometimes—just in a private setting, if you catch my drift…
  • Te amo encompasses romantic beloved and is expressed between spouses and engaged couples. It's the heavy-duty, no-holds-barred way to state your love for someone. Te amo is definitely not for friends or siblings!

If you're interested in how Spanish speakers express affection for one some other, I recommend watching Castilian shows for an extra dramatic style to learn expressions of love (and hatred and whatever feeling you reserve for the long-lost twin who you thought was dead simply was actually living a secret life with your ex).

If you'd rather learn with shorter clips, the FluentU language immersion plan might exist a good option in identify of a full TV testify.

This app and web programme lets you practice the phrases from this postal service in context with authentic, brusque Castilian videos—that cover everything from music videos to news reports—with interactive captions.


Yous can review what yous learn with flashcard decks and personalized quizzes, and look up words and phrases in the contextual video dictionary.

In that location'southward as well pronunciation exercise on the iOS and Android app, so you can perfect " te quiero" before using it on your pareja(partner).

Add More Emphasis to "I Love You" in Spanish

Ability up "I dearest you" to "I love you lots" past addingmucho (very or a lot) to either phrase.

But remember Spanish judgement construction if you're heating upward and keep mucho at the end of the sentence. That applies to both phrases and to both singular and plural forms.

Te amo →Te amo mucho  (I love you → I honey you very much)

Los amo →Los amo mucho  (I beloved them → I dearest them very much)

Te quiero → Te quiero mucho  (I beloved you → I beloved you very much)

Los quiero →Los quiero mucho  (I love them → I love them very much)

x More Means to Say "I Love You lot" in Spanish

Fortunately, Spanish provides an assortment of other expressions used to declare honey. Really, there are a lot of them—and some are super sweet!

Then how do you go beyond the bones declaration? Consider these:

Te amo más hoy que ayer pero menos que mañana. (I love you lot more today than yesterday just less than tomorrow.)

This is super romantic, isn't information technology? I hateful, wouldn't you merely melt if someone special murmured this expression to you?

Eres mi media naranja. (You are my half orangish.)

The literal translation on this one doesn't seem especially romantic, just when someone says "Eres mi media naranja," they're actually saying "You're my other half."

In other words, this expression says that the other person completes you or that together y'all make a whole.

I've heard this one all my life. No, I'thou not anyone's other one-half but my tía y tío (aunt and uncle) say this to each other every single day. So sugariness!

Te quiero tanto. (I beloved yous so.)

This is a variation ofte quiero mucho (I love yous very much) that's tender and loving.

A fabulously popular song past Carlos Vives and Shakira chosen "La Bicicleta"("The Bike") makes adept employ of the expression.

Consider this fleck of the vocal to run across just how beautiful te quiero tanto (I love you so) can be:

"Que te sueño y que te quiero tanto
Que hace rato está mi corazón
Latiendo por ti, latiendo por ti…"

("That I dream of y'all and that I love yous so much
That for a while my centre has been
Beating for you, beating for you…")

Te adoro. (I adore y'all.)

This declaration of dearest is used non just by lovers but by parents toward their children every bit well. I've seen many madres (mothers) pull their babies onto their laps and croon, "Te adoro."

Te necesito. (I need you.)

"Te necesito" is a pop song by Mexican vocalizer Luis Miguel. It's hot and steamy—exactly the fashion yous'd expect this declaration to exist portrayed.

There are lots of beautifully romantic Spanish songs, not merely this one. Cheque some out for fifty-fifty more learning opportunities!

Me vuelves loco. (Y'all bulldoze me crazy.)

Me vuelves loco is one of less serious and more than lighthearted Spanish love phrases!

Have yous ever seen someonedriven to distraction by another person's quirky ways or their silly antics? This is the expression that covers that kind of human relationship!

This phrase has another meaning that's a bit steamier. When whispered behind closed doors, the expression is a annunciation that'south beautifully intimate.

Eres mi alma gemela. (Yous are my soul mate.)

The thought of being someone'due south soul mate?

¡Muy romántico! (Very romantic!)

Mi corazón late por ti. (My eye beats for you.)

This is ane of the ultimate Castilian declarations of beloved, an admission that the reason one person is alive is that their heart beats from loving another so much. (Just like in those lyrics from"La Bicicleta.")

Este corazón es tuyo. (This eye is yours.)

Some other announcement of undying dearest.

Definitely don't expect to hear this ane on a beginning—or fifty-fifty a tenth!—date.

La vida estaría vacía sin ti. (Life would exist empty without y'all.)

This may exist one of the about definitive expressions of beloved, not only in Spanish just in any language.

Professing that an unabridged life would exist devoid of pregnant and purpose without another person? Wow! Castilian really does become big on sincere declarations of love!

Spanish is a beautifully romantic language with lots of ways to limited almost any degree of beloved for nearly any person.

Use that versatility to your reward and appreciate your family, friends or romantic partner.

Show the honey like a true Latin lover—and watch it come back to yous!


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